Homemade worm compost bin

Building a homemade worm compost bin is not a difficult task. On this page you will learn how to build a 3 tier worm composting bin! 

Build your homemade
worm compost bin today!

To get started you will need the following tools and accessories:

· Power drill

· Hole saw set

· Drill bit 5 mm to 8 mm / 1/5th to 1/3rd of an inch

· Jigsaw or strong scissors (optional)

· 3 stack-able plastic bins of the same size

· 1 lid / plastic sheet

· 1 tap or cork

·Start with the 2 bins that will house the worms.

Drill plenty of holes of about 5 to 8mm / 1/5th to 1/3rd inch into the bottom of two bins. (See Picture above)

The holes should be about 5 cm / 2 inches apart from each other.

These holes are important to 

  1. prevent the worm bin from being flooded.  The worms need oxygen to survive and could drown!
  2. to give the worms the option to crawl upwards into the next container to follow the food supply

·Next drill a hole for your tap into the front side of the 3rd

bin which will collect the worm tea / leachate. If you can’t get hold of a tap use a cork of a wine bottle instead.

Make sure the hole saw bit or drill bit you use will be just a tiny bit bigger than the diameter of your tap that you want to attach to the bin.

Drill the hole for the tap as low on the wall of the worm bin as you can, but leave enough space so you can fasten the nut of the tap inside the bin to ensure a tight fit.

·Next attach the tap to the bottom bin.

(See picture below)

Now you will need a lid for your worm farm. If your bins came with a fitting lid that’s great. If not you'll have to make one yourself.

Get a plastic sheet that is the same size as the surface of your bins or slightly bigger.

The sheet should be 3 to 5mm / 0.11 to 0.19 inches thick.

Like the one in the photo below.

Plastic sheet to be used as a lid for a homemade worm compost bin.Plastic sheet to be used as a lid for a homemade worm compost bin.
A plastic sheet underneath a worm bin .A plastic sheet underneath a worm bin .

Place one of the bins upside down on top of the plastic sheet (see photo above).

Mark the lid with a pen or pencil to show the edges of the bin.

(See marked lid in the Photo below)

The marked plastic sheet for worm bin lid.The marked plastic sheet for worm bin lid.

Saw the marked edges of with a jigsaw or cut them off with a strong pair of scissors.

(See photo below for finished lid)

A finished lid for a worm compost binA finished lid for a worm compost bin

Assemble the bin and you are ready to start your worm composting project! Most worm bins will stand outside. If you want to use

your worm bin outdoors place a small flower pot on top of the lid to keep it in place in case of wind! Your worm farm should not stand in full sun as this might cause a serious problem for your worms on a very hot day.

Good places to place your worm bin are in shaded areas for example under a tree, in the garage or in a shed in the backyard.


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How to start a profitable worm  business on a shoestring budget - Even in your  Back Yard!!

DIY Worm Composting Bin

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How to set up and maintain your homemade worm compost bin?


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Hey there so I’m having a fruit fly problem with my worm bin. Any help would be appreciated. What’s your thoughts on adding beneficial nematodes to …

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How worms recycle human manure