How to keep worms warm in winter!

by barbara
(jacksonville, IL)

Protecting worms in winter

Protecting worms in winter

I live in central Illinois and was wondering how to keep the worms warm during the winter in my shed? There is no way my husband would let me bring them in the house!!


Hello Barbara,

depending on the kind of worms you have it is actually not to difficult to protect your worms from freezing in the cold months of the year.

There are quite a few steps you can take to keep your worms warm.Its always good to keep your worm bin filled with lots of bedding in winter which insulates the worms if the weather becomes cold. Thick blankets or carpets can help as well. In addition to that I found an excellent way to protect a worm herd from extreme temperatures, hot as well as cold is to build them a box made of polystyrene. It is an excellent insulating material and works very well.

I have written an article about the subject of keeping worms warm in winter. You can find it on my page

It should help you get your worms through winter. If you have any further questions please feel free to let me know.

Kind regards and
happy worming

Stephan Kloppert

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"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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