Recycling dog poop from a dog day care centre

by Kathy

Dog poop recycled in a worm bin

Dog poop recycled in a worm bin

Q: How does this recycling of dog poop work in cold weather? I am exploring avenues of poop disposal for a doggy day care. I live in Michigan. So would I need to do this in an enclosed slightly heated area?

A: Hello Kathy thank you for raising this important question. Recycling dog poop with the help of compost worms is actually quite easy and doesn't take a lot of time. The most suitable worms for this job would be the earthworm with the latin name "Eisenia fetida" which is usually referred to as Red worm or Red wriggler.

Those worms are quite easy to get hold off. Have a look at our Worm business directory USA and you should find a supplier that can assist you.

Red wrigglers can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and are still fine at 5 degrees Celsius / 41 Fahrenheit. They will however slow down their activities a lot when they are living space cools down.

To prevent this from happening it would be advisable to protect your worm herd against the cold elements. This could be done as you suggested in a slightly heated indoor area but if that is not possible there are a few possibilities to implement worm composting outdoors during the colder seasons of the year as well. I wrote an article about the subject which you can find on our page www.Worm-suppliers-South-Africa.html. You can find the page on our Site map. Have a look at the article I hope it can give you a bit more insights in the possibilities with worm composting.

If you have further questions please don't hesitate to contact us!

Kind regards

Stephan for

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