Can worms escape through the holes in the bottom of a worm bin?

by Mr. Bahram
(Dubai, UAE)


Thank you for your useful information and green web site.

I wonder, the worms won't escape from the holes in the floor of the bin?

Thanks and Regards

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Nov 06, 2017
Re: Can worms escape through the holes in the bottom of a worm bin?
by: Stephan

Hello Mr. Bahram.

You raised an interesting question and as a matter of fact occasionally a few worms might dig down into the lower parts of their worm bin and will escape through the bottom holes either into the soil below or the bin below or whatever is underneath your bin.

This however is and will be an exception to the rule that compost worms are top feeders and do enjoy and spend most of their time in the upper parts of their home where they usually will find most of their food and where they like to deposit their fertile poop that we call worm castings.

So as long as the conditions in a worm farm are quite favorable for the worms the losses of worms through the bottom of the bin should be minimal and in fact neglectable. If you do regular spot checks in your bottom bin and or below your worm bin you might find a few worms there which you can easily return to their bin where they will be much happier in the long run.

Kind regards and happy worming

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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