what size of worm bin do I need?

by dwight


how big a bin will I need for 500 African night crawlers?


Hello Dwight, thank you for your interesting question. Although worms can live in very dense populations, they still have minimum requirements of space to feel happy and comfortable. As earthworms multiply according to the surface area that is available to them it is always advisable to provide them with a bin bigger than what their minimal requirements suggest.

This way your worms will feel comfortable in their worm farm and your worm herd will even multiply till they have made optimal use of the space you provided for them.

For 500 African night crawlers I suggest a bin with a surface area of at least 1.73 ft2 /0.16 m2.
If you want it bigger that will be fine as well.

I wish you lots of success with your worm composting project.

Kind regards and happy worming

Stephan Kloppert

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