FAQ about
Worm composting?

FAQ about Worm composting

Below please find a list of frequently asked questions about worm composting.  You will find the answers, further down on the page.

If you have a question about worm composting that is not answered on this page please let me know and we will answer it for you asap!

Q: Why should we compost organic waste?

Q: What is worm composting?

Q: Where can I get a worm bin?

Q: Can I use my worm bin indoors?

Q: What kind of worms will I need?

Q: Where can I get compost worms?

Q: How many worms will I need?

Q: How do I set up my worm bin?

A steaming compost heap turned for aeration.

FAQ about worm composting


Q: Why should we recycle Organic Waste?

A: Our society pollutes huge areas of good farm land through the use of large quantities of chemical fertilizers.

Large quantities of organic materials (for example kitchen wastes) are sent to landfill sites.

There they produce harmful Greenhouse gases that according to current scientific research contribute to Global warming.

Both, traditional aerobic composting and worm composting are beneficial to the environment help to improve soil quality and reduce the production of harmful methane gas!

A large compost worm

A red wiggler compost worm.


Q: What is Worm Composting?

A: Worm composting is the recycling of “Organic matter” usually waste products from private households, industry or animals with the help of earthworms or compost worms.

These worms can eat half their body weight a day in captivity and can convert organic waste into nutrient rich worm castings.

Worm composting as well known as Vermiculture, Vermicomposting or Worm farming usually takes place in Worm bins, which are designed to suit the needs of the Compost worms.


Q: Where can I get a worm bin?

A: You can build a Worm bin yourself.

We have instructions for Homemade worm bins and Budget worm bins on this site.

Alternatively, you can buy a worm bin from a commercial worm farmer near you.

Indoor worm bin from South Africa.


Q: Can I use my worm bin indoors?

A: Although worm bins are operated in gardens or backyards it is perfectly fine to have an indoor worm bin.

The process is odorless and the worm farm doesn't take up lots of space. It can be placed underneath a kitchen sink, in a small corner in the garage or store room.


Q: What kind of worms will I need?

A: There are a few kinds of earthworms that you can use to recycle organic materials.

The most popular worms in the world of Vermicomposting are Red worms as well known as Red wigglers ( Eisenia Fetida).

Red worms thrive in organically rich environments, are hardy creatures and prolific breeders.

Compost worms on the move.

Compost worms on the move.


Q: Where can I get compost worms?

A: You might be lucky and find some red worms for free in your compost heap!

Otherwise you can purchase compost worms from a commercial worm farmer in your hometown or your country.

Many worm breeders post or courier their worms in their country of residence.It's common practice.

Compost worms at work.


Q: How many worms will I need?


A: It depends on the amount of organic waste you want to recycle.

1 kg/ 2 pounds of compost worms (app 4000) will be able to eat 1 pound of organic matter per day.

The worms are prolific breeders and will multiply quickly.

So even if you start with a small population you will be

able to increase your recycling amounts in no time.

If you start a new worm bin and want quick results you should start with at least 500 worms.

For more answers to "FAQ about worm composting" please follow the link below or post a question in the form at the bottom! 


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Recycling with earthworms


Worms against climate change


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For questions or suggestions please contact us!


Worm Farming a good Green business idea


10 reasons to start a worm farm


How to recycle


Working from home


Recycling of household waste


Gardening with earthworms


Sustainable business idea


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