Square foot gardening is a great way to save money and produce loads of tasty and nutritious fruit and vegetables for your family.
At times where the costs of living seem to be exploding and the quality of many commercially produced food products is often in question it can be very rewarding to start a vegetable garden at home.
A square foot garden is ideal for this and can be done on the tiniest bit of space available.
Most people that love this gardening style work on a space of 4 x 4 feet. This space will be divided into 16 square foot pieces which will be used to grow different crops. Each small square will be planted with either 1, 4, or 9 seedlings.
The quantity of seedlings that are planted in the squares depend on the size of the plants once they are fully grown. Read the instructions on the back of your seed packet to find out about the suggested spacing distance of your vegetables.
Spacing - Plants per square
+12 inches - 1 seedling
6 inches - 4 seedlings
4 inches - 9 seedlings
3 inches - 16 seedlings
It is important to use the available space completely and plant the right amount of seedlings into the squares. This way the plants will grow to support each other and build a kind of canopy protecting the soil from drying out to quickly.
The suggested space of 4 feet by 4 feet is easy manageable but if you have less space you can adapt the size you want to work with to even smaller patches of ground. The piece of garden I utilized for my square foot gardening project was big enough for 9 squares (3 x 3 feet).
It was big enough for me and I harvested loads and loads of tasty tomatoes, chard and herbs.
Below I will give you a step by step to do list to start your own square foot gardening project.
The beauty of square foot gardening is that you can continue to produce food for your table all year round.
It can be done by beginners and people with just a tiny bit of space available in their garden or backyard. Once you get your first harvest you will probably get ready to start your next square food garden. The results are just
tremendous. The fruit and vegetables that you can produce are tastier and healthier than most products you can buy commercially. We always use earthworms, worm tea and worm castings to increase the productivity or our garden.
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