Cat poop is something every cat owner will have to deal with one way or another. Cats are amazing creatures and are loved
by millions of people all over the world.
Caution: Please read the article right to the end to find out about possible health hazards of cat poop!
I have 3 cats myself and they bring a lot of fun into my life and that of my family. One topic though that has to do with our feline friends has always been something we don't like to mention that often.
"What goes in, must come out"
Unfortunately every cat produces waste like all living creatures and as cat owners, especially apartment dwellers, we are faced with the problem to dispose of it.
The standard procedure for cat owners that live in flats is to scoop up the cat poop with some litter daily or at least on a regular basis and dump the waste into the rubbish bin.
Although this makes sure that the cat toilet is ready for use again it still offers the possibility for the waste to develop bad odors.
People that are in the lucky position to own a house with a garden might have the luxury of their cats doing their business outside but are still faced with the cat dodos being found on the lawn or the children's playing area.
So once the poop has been scooped up and dropped in the dustbin it can still create bad odors and attract flies. I speak from experience. Having a dog and several cats as part of our family has opened my eyes to the amount of landmines that our four legged pets can produce around the house.
It opened my eyes as to an amazing way to recycle both cat poop and dog poop. Although we have fed dog poop to earthworms for many years now we where reluctant to do the same with the waste from our felines. But some time ago I decided to add "cat dodos" to a worm farm as the only source of food and the worms finished them off in no time.
Recycling cat feces in worm farms has several great advantages.
These are just a few positive effects that come to my mind but I am sure there are more.
The cat waste can just be added on top of the bedding of any worm farm and the worms will start feeding on it. The reason why it doesn't produce any bad odors is the fact that compost worms feed only on the parts that start to decompose. These are
exactly the parts that would produce bad smells. To run and set up a worm farm is really quite easy and if you would like to recycle your pets waste with the help of compost worms you should find all you need to know to get started on these pages.
Below there are a few links that should get you started. Worm composting is rewarding for humans as well as the environment. Please have a look at the possible health dangers of cat poop and cat litter for pregnant women in the link below!
What are the possible dangers of cat poop and cat litter for PREGNANT WOMEN?
How to build a worm bin at home.
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