Worm Food Rating List

The worm food rating list below is there as a reference for you in case you are new to worm composting or are not 100% sure if you should feed something to your compost worms or not!

The list is a work in progress so if you can’t find the organic product that you are looking for in our worm food list, let us know and we will add it gladly!

In general worms can cope with nearly all garden- and kitchen waste you might offer them. Some products the compost worms can eat in large quantities and even live in them while others should only be fed in moderation.

Especially acidic foods should be fed with care. If the acidity of your worm bins bedding becomes very high it might force your worms to migrate out of the bin to avoid death.

Guavas make a good worm food.

Good Worm Foods

Apples , avocados, bananas, banana peels, cherries, rhubarb, pineapple (not the skin), peaches, pears, melons, snails, slugs, human manure, horse manure, dog poop, cat poop, rabbit manure, bean sprouts, carrots, lettuce, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, beetroot, sweet peppers, green beans, cauliflower, radishes, broccoli, cabbage, watercress, sugar, guavas, corrugated cardboard, spinach, newspapers, algae, sea lettuce (washed), linseed flour, flaxseed flour, tofu, gooseberries

Citrus fruit, garlic and onions are moderately good worm food.

Moderately good Worm foods

"Feed in moderation"

Garlic, onions, lemons, olives, plums, blueberries, oranges, bread, oats, meats, fish, cake, grains, white flower, black beans, kidney beans, butter beans, nuts, wheat, bran, rice, pasta, lentils, corn, milk, cheese, tea and tea bags, coffee and coffee filters, grass clippings. brown packaging paper, dead freshwater fish including trout, tilapia, carp, koi and goldfish, raw bacon, shiny paper, cooked ham, raw eggs, spiced clarified butter, amaranth, tomatoes, potatoes, sugar, oat bran

Harmful Worm food 

"Foods you should not feed to your compost worms at all!"

  • Oil or oily foods (can suffocate the worms),
  • alcohol,
  • hot spices,
  • salt,
  • chicken manure,
  • vinegar
  • chlorine bleached white paper
  • shiny glossy magazines (paper)

Find out more about worm food here.

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