Worm farming in very hot countries

by Behrouz Valanejad

hi hope you all are well.
I am living in Oman here the temperature is normally between
30c to 50c .I am interested in worm composting .Please guide me if this climate is suitable ? Or if not please guide me how I have to do worm farming in this climate?
Thank you .

Hello Behrouz,

you are asking a very interesting question and to tell you straight away worm farming is not suited for a very hot climate like yours but nevertheless you can successful raise worms and recycle organic waste even in Oman if you make sure your worms don't get to hot.

I will write an article about this subject in the next couple of days to guide you and other people that are living in countries with extremely hot temperatures who would like to run a worm farming set up. I wrote as well about the subject in my book. so it might be helpful to get yourself a copy of it.

You will find it on my website.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"



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