"Worm composting help"
worm farming newsletter

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"Worm composting help"

is our FREE worm farming newsletter

that will give you

insider information and step by step guides 

to become a

successful worm farmer!

Produced regularly by Stephan Kloppert a worm farmer for more than 20 years and the author of the book

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" this E zine will cover all there is to know about worm composting.



Free inside information about the doe's and don't s of worm composting.

  • tips and tricks to keep your worms happy and healthy
  • hands on advice to get your worm farm to work at peak production
  • the tools to produce plenty of worm castings and worm tea that you can either use to improve your garden soil or sell with a good profit
  • the chance to post your own questions and have them answered in one of the future editions.

Reading the "worm composting help" newsletter regularly will teach you how to...

  • start and maintain your own worm bin
  • troubleshoot problems with your worm farm and worms
  • ways to make money with worms
  • improve your garden soil and plants
  • grow more healthy and tasty vegetables and food from home or on your farm land,
  • ways to reduce your carbon footprint,
  • use less drinking water  
  • and lots more....

Worm tea in recycled soda bottles ready for saleWorm tea in recycled soda bottles ready for sale

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Worm composting newsletter

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Starting a worm farm


Worms recycle dog poop

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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


The Book 

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

Order a printed copy from "Amazon" for only


or a digital version from the "Kindle" store for only


Prices valid till 31.03.2025

How worms recycle human manure