by Angie
(Brisbane, Australia)
Hi There, Really good site Stephen.
I am new to worm farming, bought a Vermihut bin & 1000 worms. Set the bin up as soon as I got it & starting bedding consisted of coconut coir shredded brown paper & newspaper, coffee grounds & shredded egg cartons. All good however when I opened the worms they were in a very wet & heavy & very stinky medium (phew) emptied them into my bin & with the amount of medium it came to the top of the tray.
Thought the best thing to do was try & tuck in some shredded newspaper to try & soak up excess moisture, also spread some on the top, did tuck in a little bit of food, not much & covered it up.
Checked it after a couple of days & worms were sort of active & bin had stopped stinking so much, however it was full to the top. Anyway, after about a week I have added another tray with new bedding and a worm bomb, heard they love watermelon so used that as new food, along with some other.
Checked it after 4 days the food had been eaten & there are a lot of small worms, refed them & I will leave it for a few more days.
What I was hoping is the fresh friable bedding would encourage the adult worms to move upwards & I would be able to empty the bottom tray & move on. Is this feasible & how long do you think I should leave the bottom tray before I empty it.
I have not had a dig around in the bottom tray (didn't want to disturb them too much), but have noticed that it is not stinking any more. Not sure whether I should empty it or leave it. Appreciate any advice you could give me.
Regards, Angie :)
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