by Stephan
Good afternoon Stephan
I bought a worm farm from you last year. The worms were really doing well
and kept on reproducing, and I even bought a third bin for my farm, and
divided the worms between the 3 bins. However, I’m now quite sad, since all
my worms are gone …and I really mean ALL of them! I’m not sure if I perhaps
didn’t give them enough food and they all decided to go look for greener
pastures somewhere else (hopefully in my own garden at least!). I guess I
didn’t close the lid or maybe didn'’t fit one of the bins on top of the other
bins properly….I don’t know.
Is it “normal” for all the worms to “escape” if they are not happy (maybe
not enough food), if there is an opening for them to go through?
I obviously need to get new worms now…… do you have in stock?
I am sorry to hear about the disappearance of all your worms. To give you an adequate analyzes of what happened I would need some more information about the condition of your worm farm once you noticed that all the worms had gone?
Was it maybe quite wet, soggy and smelly? If that is the case than I suspect that your worm farm had an infestation of Black soldier fly maggots.
Have a look at the page in the following link. On that page I wrote a little more about the problem with black soldier fly maggots in worm farms.
Here it is:
I hope this will help. If you need more information please let me know.
Yes we do have worms in stock and you are welcome to place an order.
I am looking forward to hear from you.
All the best and blessings for you and your family!
Kind regards
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