Compost worms in a glass container?!

by Laila

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to store the compost worms in a glass element (worms visible through glass) if this is done in a dark room?
Does it need holes (air supply) or not?

Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!


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Nov 03, 2021
Re: Compost worms in a glass container?!
by: Stephan

Hello Laila,

to answer your first question straight away, "yes" you can grow and keep compost worms in a glass container.

The worms themselves would surely prefer a dark room for their worm bin/container but if it is standing out of direkt sunlight (avoid overheating the worm bedding) and is standing in a moderately temperatured room ie: 10 to 25 degrees C / 50 to 77 degrees F. Compostworms will avoid exposure to strong light and sunlight at all costs and will only come to the edges or the top of their living environment when it is dark enough and peaceful.

The worms will need some oxygen to breath and so they will need some sort of air supply but as they don't use huge amounts of it it is usually sufficient to open the lid of the worm bin /glass container for a a minute or two once a week or fortnight to replenisch the oxygen inside the worm bin especially if your worm herd is not that big yet.

I hope that will help you for now to get your worm project going.

Kind regards and God's richest blessings.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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