Worm composting cat urine from litter box?

by Susan Fox
(Lamy, New Mexico, USA)

Cat urine is pretty potent stuff. Can it be composted once it has been scooped from the litter box?

I have 8 indoor cats and 80% of our trash is a product of our cats. I've been composting outdoors with red wigglers for 2 years but never thought about the possibility of using our pet waste.

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Mar 13, 2019
Re: Worm composting cat urine from litter box?
by: Stephan

Hello Susan,

composting dog and cat waste is relatively easily achievable. However, the pet waste that is usually added to worm bins is the dog and or cat poop.
As you rightly mentioned cat urine is very potent and could potentially be harmful to compost worms if it is added in great quantities to their habitat.

However, if it is added in small quantities I believe it should be quite possible for compost worms to feed on it when the time is right and crawl away to safety. A good way to prepare many potentially harmful materials for worms is to compost them first in a thermophilic compost heap before giving them to your worms.

For more information about recycling cat waste please have a look at my following article about the subject.
The Url is https://www.worm-composting-help.com/cat-poop.html

I hope this will help you.

I wish you your family and all your cats all the best and would love to hear if you will be successful in your attempts to recycle some of your cat urine from your litter box.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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