Superworm and Mealworm Poop for Worm castings?

by Kenny CY
(Penang, Malaysia)

Dear Admin,

Good day to you. I am Kenny CY who are from Malaysia Penang. I started a Superworm & Mealworm Farm earlier this year. We are producing a lot of worm poop (in dry powder form) without any further process at the moment due to we are not professional with it.

Just wonder is there any advice can provide from your end and who would be able workout this product with us within Malaysia?

Our target is we wish someone could workout with us on worm poop sales and marketing and lead us on how to use the poop. We will get mostly wasted vegetables to make the worm poop. If we would be able to sell the poop to cover our daily expenses that would be a great help.

Your kind assistance and advice on the above method is much appreciated. You can reach me at below:

Contact: +60132006898

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Feb 12, 2025
Re: Superworm and Mealworm Poop for Worm castings?
by: Stephan

Hello Kenny,

we do not work with superworms or mealworms but can give you some suggestions on how to produce worm castings produced by compost worms.

Below are the links to 2 articles I published on our website that are dealing with the subject of worm castings (worm poop)

You will find more information about worm castings and worm tea (liquidized worm poop) on our website.

If you are keen on finding out more about the marketing and selling of worm poop I suggest you buy yourself a copy of my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

I am attaching a link to it below.

You can copy and paste it into your browser and it will lead you to the sales page on

Wishing you all the best and God's richest blessings

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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