by Stephan
A lot of my worms in the my worm factory keep on going through to the bottom container where all the water accumulates.
Why do they do this and what do I do to stop it?
Is it normal and they will go back to the top container where the food is ?
Hello John,
I don't sell the worm factory but do have one myself for experimenting purposes. I noticed the same problem.
Worms are top feeders and so they should't fall into the bottom of the bin. It might be that your bedding in the worm farm is not thick enough yet and a lot of the worms are still found close to the grid of their worm factory and just fall through without intending to.
It's best to help those worms up again as most of them will stay at the bottom for a long time.
To prevent worms from falling into the bottom tray place a few sheets of newspaper or a sheet of corrugated cardboard at the bottom of the last bin that contains worms. This will certainly reduce the number of worms falling through the grid of the bin. Just make sure that the excess liquid can still drain off into the bottom bin to prevent your worms from drowning or suffocating.
Another thing you can do is to place a layer of about 10cm / 4 inches of shredded newspaper at the bottom and than place your worms and their bedding and food on top of it.
If they then still end up in the bottom of your worm factory than you must have a look at the condition of the bedding in your worm farm.
Kind regards
Global Worming
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