Why is my worm tea pale yellow?

by Dawn

Bucket with worm tea

Bucket with worm tea

Why is my worm tea pale yellow. Any suggestions for improvement please

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May 09, 2018
Re: pale yellow worm tea
by: Stephan

Hello Dawn,

it is difficult to say what exactly went wrong as proper worm tea should be dark brown. The first question would be if you have brewed proper worm tea or if you have tapped of the excess liquid from your wormery which usually is referred to as leachate? But even this leachate can be quite good if the water or other excess liquids are slowly running through a worm bin that has lots of worm castings in it. Those worm castings give the liquids the dark color as some parts of them get absorbed by the liquids and are drained out of the bin.

To produce proper worm tea follow the instructions on the following page


Kind regards

and happy worming

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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