Where can I purchase worms in Iran

by Stephan
(Germany and South Africa)

Compost worms for sale

Compost worms for sale


I'm from Turkmenistan and want to do produce vermicompost.
I need worms to get my business started.

My friend is now in Iran in Tehran.
You sell worms? How much are they - 1kg?
How can I meet with you, or to phone?


Hello, I think it is a great idea to start recycling organic materials with the help of earthworms and get your own worm business going. I am not located in Teheran / Iran but have a look at the web page below that you will find on my website and you should a supplier in Teheran that will be able to help you.


Please be so kind to tell the worm supplier you contact that you found them through our website.

I wish you all the best for your worm business venture and hope you will recycle loads of organic matter and convert them into nutrient rich worm castings / vermicompost.

Kind regards

Author of
" How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"


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