When are worm castings to far gone to use?

Our chickens have been getting our kitchen scraps so my worm bin has been very, very neglected. I think I’m going to discontinue my bin just because it’s simpler for me to give everything to our birds (including animal products). Is there a way of testing the castings, though, to make sure they’re safe to put on our garden? I know we have quite a few mites.

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Feb 14, 2018
Re: When are worm castings to far gone to use?
by: Stephan


Worm castings are actually always save to use in the garden and will never burn your plants. If you are worried about the mites (brown or white) just add some sheets of newspaper or melon peels to the bin and remove them 24 hours later. You will find lots of mites on them and this way can reduce their numbers in the worm bin and on the worm castings.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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