What do I need to set up a worm business?

by Jasmine Gorgun
(Swindon sn5 5rx)

How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget

How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget


We are living in Swindon -Wiltshire. I would like to start a business. A worm farm looking manageable.
I need to earn 10.000 per month so could you help me about investment costs?

How many acre of land I need?

And Is there any company which can set up modern bedding system?

Thank you.


Hello Jasmin,

the questions you raised are normally be answered only for a reasonable fee and written down in a business plan but I will gladly give you some average figures show you into the right direction.

No 2 worm businesses and markets are the same and the location of your enterprise as well as the kind of markets that you might be able to tap in will determine how much income you will be able to raise with your worm business.

1. An fully stocked worm bed of 1000 square feet / 93 square meters that is properly managed should be able to generate an income of 750 to 800 US dollars per month. Taking the storage admin and the work space needs into account you should easily be able to generate your goal of 10000 English pounds per month on a space that is less than 1 acre / 5000 meter square.

The set up costs will depend on the materials and expertise you require to set your worm beds up. You can employ a building company to build your beds out of bricks and mortar, or treated wood at a significant cost or as I wrote in my book you could build simple structures yourself or with the help of family and friends using recycled materials which would reduce your investment capital needed dramatically.

2. You won't need any company to set up a modern bedding system for worm beds. Good worm bedding materials like old newspapers, cardboard and horse manure are easily obtainable at minimal costs and if set up properly which is really not difficult will give your worms and your worm business a perfect start.

A worm business can be started with a very small initial investment and grown at a pace that suits your needs.

Kind regards and good luck for your worm business plans

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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