Question about mealworms

by Edie tenBroek
(United States of America,)

Hello, do you offer mealworms from darkling beetles? I am traveling to Uganda and would like to start a farm for chickens.

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Mar 10, 2020
Wondering about growing mealworms
by: Jeffery Lewis

Hi ive been trying to grow mealworms for my turtles because they love the moveing bait if u know what I mean. But as i was going thru the stages I had 3 plastic containers one was wormes one was for the pupa then I finally started to have beetles. But I noticed in my worm container that on the sides was little microscopic white dots moveing around. Severely. So i took that was bad. But I didn’t have it in the pupa or beatle containers. So I continued on. Then I noticed i had 10 worms in the beetle container. I took them out and feed them to my 3 small turtles and 1 big turtle. Now today I check on the beetles im seeing the same little microscopic white specks crawling up around the sides leaving trails in the condinsation on the sides. I would like to know what they are. And y do I have them. I really don’t like it especially when I handle the containers I feel them crawling on my hands and arms and biteing me. What are they how do I avoid having them

Jan 30, 2019
Re: Question about mealworms
by: Stephan

Hello Edie,

thank you for your inquiery. Unfortunately we are not selling mealworms at this stage.

I hope that due to your message someone that might be able to supply you might contact you.

Kind regards and God bless

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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