Producing Worm castings - Sweet River Farms, Paradise, Jamaica

by Tim R Truex
(Negril Westmoreland, Jamaica)

I'm starting an Organic/ Bio-Dynamic Farm on 50 acres. I've been using organic Worm Castings for 12 + years now and would like to make my own. Appreciate your time on my behalf. Respect 🙌♈🇯🇲😎 Tim R Truex

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Jul 22, 2022
Commercial vermiculture
by: Omar Thomas

Hello Tim, my name is Omar. I'm the CEO of We're starting a commercial worm farm operation here in St Elizabeth. Happy to chat soon if you're available. My email is

Jul 15, 2021
Re: Producing Worm castings
by: Stephan

Hello Tim,

great to hear from you and I hope you are doing well in beautiful Jamaica. Worm castings are an amazing soil conditioner and plant food and I can totally understand why you want to produce them yourself.

I am not sure how I can best help you but I suggest you have a look at my page

where I wrote about worm castings and how to harvest them and you should consider purchasing a copy of my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget."

It doesn't cost much and should teach you all you need to now to produce lots of worms and lots of worm castings.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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