Onions as worm food?

by Lois
(Christchurch, New Zealand )

Sweet corn, dog poop and beans in a worm bin

Sweet corn, dog poop and beans in a worm bin

I have been told that feeding the left over onions to the worm farm isn't advised by several people is there any truth in this regards Lois (nz)

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Jun 21, 2017
Re: Starting a new worm farm
by: Stephan

Hi Lois I am sure you will be doing great with your worm farm. If you have questions you can always post them here or have a look at the Beginners or the Feeding section where you will find lots of articles that will help you get your worm farming project of to a great start

Kind regards


Jun 21, 2017
Thanks for reply
by: Lois

I can't wait to start my new worm farm when I'm back in New Zealand, I've had the three boxes sitting & not really known how to start, sure I have a working compost bin, I feed it layer after layer, the worms thrive on used coffee grounds, so looking forward to my worm farm now, thank you Lois NZ

Jun 21, 2017
Re: onions as worm food
by: Stephan

Hello Lois,

onions can be fed to worms but they are amongst the materials that should be fed in moderation. Worms can handle nearly any organic material as food in their worm farm as long as their bedding stays close to pH neutral and they are not overfed which will show in loads and loads of uneaten food on the surface of their worm bin. It is a good idea to only feed the worms again when most of their food that was previously offered is nearly completely gone.

To learn some more about the different kinds of worm food have a look at our worm food rating list. In it we divided the organic materials into 3 categories

1. Good worm food
2. Moderately good worm food
3 Bad worm food

The link to the worm food rating list is


To prevent problems with the worm bedding in your worm bin it would be good to measure the pH of the bedding frequently (at least once a month) and to regularly add some crushed egg shells, mussel shells or agricultural lime in small amounts to your worm farm. These can act as a buffer to keep the bedding pH neutral and counteract any acidification from certain foods.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of "www.worm-composting-help.com

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