Earthworms for a worm farm in Cyprus

by Oren Abiri
(Limassol Cyprus)

Hi guys
I wanted to buy earthworms for my 3 buckets layer system. Do you sell them? If yes, do you do delivery or have a place close to Limassol?


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Jun 18, 2024
Re: Earthworms for a worm farm in Cyprus
by: Stephan

Hello, unfortunately, we are not able to deliver worms to Limassol at the moment.

I suggest you look at some worm suppliers in Germany, France, or other central European countries who should be able to assist you.

You will find a list of different international worm businesses on our website under the URL:

Browse through these pages and I am confident you will find a worm business that will be keen to assist you.

If you don't come right, please let us know and we will see how we can assist you in other ways.

Kind regards and God's blessings from

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to Start a Profitable Worm Business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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