Duvidas e curiosidades / Worms and orange peels

by Marcos Alexandre dos Santos
(Brazil, Estaddo de São Paulo, Cidade SÃO JOSÉ DO RIO PRETO)

Good afternoon,

I am Brazilian and I really liked the subject discussed above, but I would like to take some questions:

If I leave the orange peels dehydrating even then the citric acid continues to act, since I would like to put it in the worm farm?
If, after dehydrating the orange peels, I soak these orange peels in a mixture of water with dolomitic limestone, could I incorporate these hydrated peels into the worm farm?
if i chopped the orange peels in natura and sprayed the jackets with dolomitic limestone could i integrate this mixture in the worm farm?

Marcos Alexandre dos Santos

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Dec 01, 2020
Re: Duvidas e curiosidades / Worms and orange peels
by: Stephan

Hello Marcos,

thank you for your interesting question. Your approach to feeding orange peels to worms sounds like a good idea. Although I feed orange and citrus fruit and peels regularly to my worms I have never done it with your method and would be glad to hear how your experiment did work out once you tried it.

Below you will find the URS's of two pages I published about worms and orange peels and citrus fruit. I trust you might find them helpful. One of my ground rules when feeding less than ideal foods to a worm herd is to do it in moderation and monitor how the worms handle the waste that was offered to them. This is as well advisable with citrus fruit peel due to the citric acid in them but I never had any problems so far feeding any of my worm herds with citrus fruits. They actually love the fruit of oranges.

Have a look a the two articles below and please let us know how your experiment worked out.



Kind regards and God's richest blessings to you and your family.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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