Does your dog poop worm farm consist of 2 compartments?

How is the dog poop bucket configured to have two compartments? Is it two buckets and can it be home made w/ available buckets from a store?
How is the dog poop bucket configured to have two compartments? Is it two buckets and can it be home made w/ available buckets from a store?

Kind regards



Hello Rich,

yes the dog poop worm farm consists of 2 buckets that have been specifically be prepared to enable compost worms to recycle dog poop in them.

With a little planing and research you should be able to build a functioning pet poop worm farm at home as well.

However if you want to save yourself the trouble just order the Pet poop processor worm farm from us it does not cost the world and you will be assured that you are getting a worm farm that will be able to do the job.

Kind regards and happy worming


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