Composting leaves and grass clippings

by Sharon
(Sandton South Africa)


Every autumn the amount of leaves falling in my complex is cleaned up and put into black plastic bags (100's of bags) and sent to the landfill. I would like to rather use these fallen leaves for composting for the garden and lawn. My question is can I compost only the leaves and dead foliage from plants and grass clippings.
Kind regards


Hello Sharon,

sure I suggest you should use worm farms to compost all your fallen leaves and grass clippings.

You should consider a larger model to process the large amount of waste you mentioned. You can contact " to find out about possible solutions that would suit your needs. They have some cost effective designs on offer.

Kind regards

Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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Apr 13, 2013
Re: Composting leaves
by: Stephan

Hello Sharon,

thank you very much for your interesting question.

There are different ways of composting!

The traditional aerobic composting heap for example and the worm composting which is the method we mostly work with.

I am sure that your leaves and grass clippings can be composted. The question for you would be which way you would like to do it.

For the compost heap you would have to find a way to keep the leafs from blowing away. We do this by covering them with a strong black plastic sheet.

With worm farms you will have to make sure you don't pile the leafs not to thick on top of the worm bedding to prevent it from heating up!

But it is still doable, no doubt!

I place all my leafs and garden clippings on one pile which is luckily protected from to much wind and just add some water from time to time and the pile is constantly shrinking. Worms have moved into it and are assisting the natural composting of the materials.

So Sharon go for it composting is fun and very beneficial for the environment!

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact me!

Kind regards


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