Can charcoal powder be added to a worm bin?

by Dennis

Compost worms

Compost worms

Can charcoal powder be added to worm bin?

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Sep 01, 2020
?anyone used fish tank charcoal for their worms?
by: Stephan


please have a look at my comment at the previous question from Dennis.

I think if you add the charcoal to your worm bin and it is from a freshwater fish tank it should not harm the worms.

Add it into one corner of your worm bin and if the worms really don't like it they will avoid it.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

Aug 22, 2020
?anyone used fish tank charcoal for their worms?
by: Angela

Please let me know if anyone has used fish tank charcoal for their worms. My son has a fresh water tank and it seems a waste to throw away so much charcoal.

Jan 04, 2020
Re: Can charcoal powder be added to a worm bin?
by: Stephan

Hello Dennis,

There is obviously a difference between activated charcoal powder and non activated charcoal powder.

I personally have never added charcoal powder to any of my worm bins but from my experience worms can handle and consume an amazingly wide range of materials in their bin.

I would prefer to use activated charcoal powder as it contains fewer impurities and is even used for water filtration and many health applications. However worms can feed on many materials that have been contaminated and will remove often potential health hazards from those materials that they have been feeding on.

As a ground rule when I am attempting to feed an untested material to compost worms I usually add small amounts of the new potential worm food to a single worm bin (experimental worm bin)and observe the behavior of the worms for at least 3 month before I decide if this new material can be used safely as worm food.

If the worm population is still vibrant after the initial experimental phase and have regularly consumed the new material (for example the charcoal) I would think it be safe for the worms to consume.

I would be very interested to hear back from you once you have some results!?

Please let us know.

Kind regards and rich blessings for you and your family.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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