Can a worm farm recycle large amounts of dog poop

by Gina

Comment: Hi, I run a dog day care business and am looking into better options for the waste disposal as currently we "bag it and bin the dog poop". I am wondering whether a worm farm would be able to cope with the sheer quantity of dog poo that we produce, we are talking of an average of 50 poops per day - do you think a worm bin could cope with that? Any advice greatly appreciated.


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Apr 05, 2018
Re: can large amounts of dog poop be recycled in a worm farm
by: Stephan

Hello Gina,

I think it is a great idea to recycle your dog poops in a worm farm. Worms can indeed convert all the dog poop that you are giving them as long as their basic living conditions are met and the worm farm is big enough to support them. As a rule of thumb you will need +/- 8000 compost worms for every kg of waste you want them to feed on on a daily basis. If you weigh the dog poop and all the paper you use to pick it up on a single day you should get an idea of the daily weight of the waste that they produce. Once that is established the amount of worms needed and the size of the proposed worm farm can easily be worked out.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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