Adding the worms

by Jess

I have created the dog poo bin which I have been filling for a few months now. It has a little bit of layering with newspaper to try and mulch it I suppose. Do you think it would be OK to just add the worms straight into this? They don't need to get settled in something first. I don't want to just throw them in the 'deep end' and kill them!
Also would I need to add a little water, or air holes into the bin?

Hello Jess,

congratulations on setting up your dop poop worm bin. Recycling dog poop with the help of earthworms is a good thing and good for the environment. I understand that you have collected dog poop for a while now and want introduce your worms to the bin.

It would be best if you would empty the dog poop into another container and set up your worm farm properly before you add your worms to it. This is not very difficult.

Wet old newspapers strips that have been soaked for a few hours in water make an excellent bedding for your worms. Alternatively you can use pH neutral compost. You should fill the bottom of your worm farm with a layer of at least 10 cm / 4 inches with bedding before you add your worms.

Give the worms about 10 minutes do dig down into the bedding of their new home and than add some dog poop on top of the bedding in your worm farm. You shouldn't add to much in case the dog poop will still go through the composting stage where it can become very hot which could be dangerous for your worms.

The contents of a worm farm as well as the worm food should always be moist. Visualize a squeezed out sponge. That kind of moisture level would be perfect but if in doubt make it rather to wet than to dry.

It is as well always advisable to make add some holes to the sides of the worm farm to allow some air flow and one or more drainage holes near the bottom of your bin to prevent the worms from drowning in case the worm farm gets flooded.

Have a look at our site map there are lots of helpful articles listed that will assist you to set up and run your dog poop worm farm successfully and recycle loads and loads of your pets waste.

Happy worming and blessings for you and your family


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