Worm composting
for retired people

Why is this article called "worm composting for retired people" you may ask? And the question is a good one as worm composting 

or worm farming as it is known by others is actually something that nearly anybody can successfully do! Boys and girls as young as 5 years old have started their worm farms recycled kitchen waste with the help of their worm herd and contributed in that way to a better environment but we believe that worm composting is especially well suited for retired people. 

After the initial bliss of having no pressure to get up early in the mornings to get ready for work many men and women that recently retired after a life long of work might find themselves bored. Sooner than later they will be looking for a hobby or an enjoyable project that will keep them going, stimulate them and can even bring in some extra cash.

Worms make excellent pets

Worms recycle household waste

What initially might sound crazy is actually a surprising fact for many. Worms are considered by many happy worm farmers the perfect pets. They are quiet, don't need to be fed twice a day, the food is freely available, they don't need to be taken for walks, have no need for a veterinarian, can be left alone and undisturbed for weeks, recycle kitchen- and animal waste including dog poop, convert their food into excellent organic 

plant food and soil conditioner, can be used as bait for fishing and as mentioned before can even generate some extra income.

Worm composting for retired people

Although there is some work involved in feeding and maintaining compost worms, it is not a lot and can easily be managed by the elderly. 

Many men and women that move into their golden years these days have unfortunately not enough pension or savings to let them live comfortably. So a bit of extra money coming in will help to cover the living expenses.



Worm composting can help retired people to create an income from home. It can be started on as little as a few square meters / feet and the set up costs can be kept extremely low.

There are many ways to generate an income with worms.

Some of the markets that a worm farmer can tap in include:

  • Worms as bait for fishermen
  • Worms for domestic worm farms
  • Worms for nurseries
  • Worm castings for gardeners
  • Worm castings for nurseries
  • Worm tea as liquid plant food
  • Domestic worm bins...

The list goes on but it shows some of the more common markets that can be supplied by a worm farmer.

I believe that worm composting is an excellent project for 

retired people and apart form the possibility of generating some additional income and the fact that it is environmentally friendly can bring joy and peace to the life of retired people especially if they are keen gardeners as well.

How to turn castings into worm tea


How to harvest worm castings from a 3 tier worm bin


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Worm food


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How worms recycle human manure