Making money with earthworms

When I tell people that I am making money with earthworms I I quite often see a frown on their forehead. They are not sure if I am telling the truth or am trying to pull their leg. Although 

I have been a professional worm farmer for more than 17 years now and know of many successful worm breeders all over the world the worm farming industry is still widely unknown to large sections of our society. Worm farming is a viable sustainable business idea and can be done virtually anywhere. It can be done on a large scale and support millions and millions of worms or as I described in my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" be started in a store room, garage or a small backyard.

compost worms are prolific breeders.

In tough times where many people are struggling to make ends meet worm composting can be a viable way to generate some extra income from the convenience of your home. The future for the worm farming industry is looking bright. It is environmental friendly, assists in recycling organic household-, garden-, food- and animal waste, reduces the production of harmful greenhouse gases like "methane and Co2" and produces worm castings and worm tea which are amongst the best natural plant foods and soil conditioners know to man.

Making money with earthworms

There are many different markets that you can tap into as a worm farmer. Some of the most obvious ones are

  • Building and selling domestic worm farms
  • Worms for worm farms
  • Worms as life food for many kinds of animals
  • Worms as bait for fishing and
  • Worm castings as fertilizer for nurseries.

Those markets are potentially huge but there are many other ways to find your place in the growing worm farming industry.

Share your knowledge as a worm farming consultant with people and organizations that want to start their own worm composting projects. Offer workshops for hobbyists, start a waste collection service...!

These are just a few of the ways you could be making money with earthworms. 

If you are looking to generate some additional income but don't have a lot of money you can invest, than a worm business could be the right thing for you.

The book

" How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

is the result of my personal experiences of many years as a commercial worm farmer.

Starting a worm business 
making money with earthworms

I got my first batch of compost worms in 1997 and started my first worm business "Global Worming" in 1998. Although already a multimillion dollar industry, worm farming is still a niche market and the demand for worms is still outstripping the supply till this day. 

I was working from home and started my worm business from scratch. I started with just one worm bin initially and consistently multiplied my worm herd in my backyard.

It took less than 2 month before I started to make some money. Not a lot initially but my worms where breeding like crazy and there where a lot of keen fisherman and gardeners who wanted worms to support their hobbies.

Within a year I had developed my own range of worm farms and was selling worms, worm castings and worm tea to private customers as well as to retail outlets.

I've worked in many different companies but I must say that compost worms are by far the least demanding colleges or employees I have ever had :-). They don't moan, don't demand a salary, work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are happy if i just supply them with some organic waste and keep their home moist and cool.

I've run a worm business for more than 15 years and it has been my only source of income for a long, long time now. 

In 2013 I decided to write down all I had learned during this process and published my book

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" 


the printed book or the kindle version Here!

 believe the book with its detailed step by step descriptions will enable you to start your own worm business and will help you to be making money with earthworms from home or wherever you choose.

Once you have worked through the book you should be able to:

  1. Raise and multiply earthworms
  2. Build your own functional and commercially marketable worm farm(s)
  3. Know what to feed your worms and where to get the food for very little money or possibly for free
  4. Protect your worms against the elements and their natural predators
  5. Produce and harvest worm castings (potentially the world’s richest organic fertilizer)
  6. Produce worm tea and worm leachate (liquidized worm castings) 
  7. Know how to package, price, brand and deliver your worms and worm related products
  8. Offer work-shops to the public and potential clients that explain the basics of worm composting
  9. Build a range of commercially marketable worm farms
  10. Market your worm farms, worms, worm castings and worm tea to millions of potential customers, i.e. nurseries, garden centers, fishermen, gardeners, pet owners, private households (that want to recycle their food and garden scraps), restaurants, guesthouses, hotels, zoos...! The list goes on and on!
  11. Be making money with earthworms and run a profitable worm farming business

If you are looking for an affordable way to generate extra income from your home or backyard than worm farming can be a great solution for you! The industry is still growing and my book will teach you all you need to know to start making money with earthworms and get your profitable business of the ground.

Here is what customers had to say!

"This is a great book! It's well written and has great information for starting a worm business. If you are just interested in increasing your worm herd, it has a section on that too, with detailed instructions on how to do that. No crazy tricks, just straight forward, useable information."

Kimberly from the United States

"This book is the best I have read on worms.
Everything about building a worm farm is described."

Hubertus from Germany


"This is a great book. The author has written a step by step, easy to read book on worm farming. I found the book informative, well written and oftentimes humorous. It is clear that the author knows his product.

I would recommend the book to anyone who is interested in starting a business in worm farming or to avid gardeners and those wishing to do something that is positive for the environment. It is a very cost efficient and simple business"

Dinisha from South Africa


The Book covers the following:


  • Can one really be making money with earthworms?


  • How much space is required?
  • What will I need to get started?



  • The 4 basic components you'll need to start a   worm business:

  • Worm bedding
  • What can be used as bedding
  • How can it be obtained or prepared

  • Worm food
  • What do worms eat
  • Where to get worm food
  • How to get worm food for free
  • Getting paid for collecting worm food
  • How to prepare the food

  • Worm bins /boxes /farms
  • What are worm bins
  • What requirements do they have to fullfil
  • The different kinds of worm bins on a worm farm

  • Worms
  • What kind of worms should be used
  • Amazing multiplication of worms
  • Breeding cycle of compost worms 
  • How to get hold of worms
  • Different ways to harvest worms



  • Protection against extreme temperatures
  • Protection against the sun
  • Protection against flooding
  • Protection in Summer
  • Protection in Winter



  • Potential predators of compost worms
  • How protect worms from their natural                              enemies



  • Creatures that might live or invade a worm farm
  • How to deal with other worm farm residents



  • When worms want to escape
  • Acidity in worm farms
  • Overcrowded worm bins
  • Worms migrate in wet weather
  • A simple way to rescue worms from the sun



  • An amazing natural plant food and soil conditioner
  • How to harvest and package worm castings



  • Liquidized worm castings
  • Positive attributes of worm tea
  • How to brew worm tea



  • Detailed list of many potential markets where you could be making money with earthworms.
  • Markets for worms
  • Markets for worm farms
  • Markets for fertilizer mixes
  • Markets for worm castings
  • Markets for worm tea
  • Markets for worm tea brewing kits
  • Potential wholesale and retail markets
  • Making money with earthworms online



  • How to package and sell your products
  • Worms for worm farms
  • Worms for freshwater fishing
  • Bottling worm tea
  • Worm casting bags and labels
  • Producing your own range of commercial worm bins



  • Choosing a business name and developing some promotional material
  • Finding out who your competitors are and what products, services and prices they offer
  • How to find potential customers     
  • Entering the market
  • Internet marketing with or without a website
  • The backbone of a business website
  • Interacting with potential customers



  • Choosing the right way to deliver your products
  • Making sure your worms arrive alive



  • Choosing the right payment terms





  • Set up and maintenance instructions for 2- and 3 tier worm farms






This comprehensive book will show you step by step all you need to know to start a sustainable and profitable worm business and start making money with earthworms. 

Right now it is offered at extremely low prices!

Act now and either

Order the paperback book here

or the

Digital version on the Kindle here 


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10 good reasons to start a worm farm


How to build a worm farm at home


Making money from home


How to brew worm tea


Worms recycle food waste


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The best way to make worm tea fertilzer Not rated yet
Hi Stephan What would be the best way to make a fertilizer from worm tea? Do I need an air pump and stone or just overnight aired water? Regards …

Fruit flies in my worm farm Not rated yet
Question: I started my worm farm at home and it seems like there is a lot of fruit flies in it. When I open the lid a lot of them are coming out of …

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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


The Book 

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

Order a printed copy from "Amazon" for only


or a digital version from the "Kindle" store for only


Prices valid till 31.03.2025

How worms recycle human manure