by stephan
Hi Stephan
What would be the best way to make a fertilizer from worm tea? Do I need an air pump and stone or just overnight aired water?
Hello Jimmy,
the subject of worm tea and worm leachate can sometimes be a little confusing but is actually not that complicated once you know the difference.
Worm leachate is often just the excess liquid that has run off the worm food and bedding in your worm farm. It can be quite good as plant food sometimes but the quality of it depends on the amount of worm castings that are already inside a worm farm and the kind of unprocessed food that can be found in it.
The more worm castings a worm farm contains the better will the worm leachate for plants and soil.
If you want to produce proper worm tea that you want to use as an organic plant food you should brew it. If you search the internet you will find plenty of recipes that people advocate to be the best worm tea but in my opinion there are many ways you can produce an excellent worm tea that will be highly beneficial for plants and soil.
To fin out a simple worm tea recipe that I use quite regularly have a look at my article I wrote on my website.
Follow the simple instructions and brew your own worm tea.
Once you got some results I would love to get some feedback from you.
Keep on recycling with earthworms!
Kind regards
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