How to breed - Fishing worms

  • Fishing worms are part of the tackle boxes of millions of recreational freshwater fishermen all over the world.
  • And the earth worm is probably the most common and desired live bait on the planet.
  • Despite all the artificial lures, the ever growing art of fly fishing, the dough’s, breadcrumbs, Millie kernels and countless secret bait recipes there will always be a demand for some juicy earth worms in a fisherman’s tackle box.
  • Now you might not mind to go out early in the morning and look in a compost heap for some worms but the much safer bet will be to set up a worm bin and grow your own worms.
  • This should guarantee you a never ending supply of earthworms.
  • You will probably produce far more worms than you will need for yourself which should allow you to make some extra money selling excess earth worms to fellow fisher men.

A big bait sized earthworm.

Fishing worms should be fat

Bait sized worms are usually handpicked and packed in small containers holding 25, 50 or 100 worms at a time.

It will be worth your while to market to private fishermen as well as to tackle shops and fishing clubs which might purchase bait worms in bulk from you.

To grow bait sized earth worms you will offer them a special diet that will make them fat and juicy.

To get started you first will have to prepare and set up a worm bin.

Follow these links to find out more about worm bins and how to start a worm bin.


Either use soaked and shredded cardboard boxes, or a mix of 50% compost and 50% topsoil as bedding and add it to the bin.

Then get hold of some earthworms for breeding stock.

The most popular worms are Eisenia Fetida worms, commonly known as compost worms, red worms or red wigglers. But European Night crawlers will work well too.

Add 100 to 200 worms to the bin.

The bigger your bin the more worms you can add. Worms tend to grow bigger if they don't feel crowded.

There are quite a few fattening recipes offered on the internet usually with grain based feeds but I usually use a feed that I can get free of charge in large quantities and that the worms really love. We use dog poop to feed our bait sized worms. In fact we do have worm bins that are running for more than 10 years now strictly on dog poop.

The worms are thriving on it and we had plenty of happy fishermen buying them again and again. 

Here is a quick step by step list for raising fishing worms:

1. Prepare a worm bin and set it up with worm bedding.

2. Get at least 100 to 200 earthworms as breeding stock.

3. Add the worms to your worm bin.

4. In regular intervals add some dog poop to your bin.

5. After 4 weeks harvest your first lot of fishing worms.


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Raising worms looks to be interesting as a second income. Is there a company or organization that will buy the worms and compost Thank you

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