Worms on the edges of my freshwater spring. Can they be used in a worm farm?

by David Radford
(Jax FL USA)

Are these worms at the edge of a freshwater spring earthworms?

Are these worms at the edge of a freshwater spring earthworms?

I have a fresh water spring in my back yard. I have seen these worms on the edges of the water sometimes. Are they earthworms, and can they be harvested for a farm? I am going to order your book.

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Mar 02, 2021
Re: Worms on the edges of my freshwater spring. Can they be used in a worm farm?
by: Stephan

Hello David,

sorry for the late reply, due to a glitch in our system I only got a hold of your question today.

I had a look at the picture you posted but unfortunately, it is to small for me to make a clear call on the worms in that photo.

However, the color of the worms in that pic looks similar to that of Eisenia fetida compost worms, but could as well be blood worms which are red in color and not bigger than maybe 2,5 cm / 1 inch in length.

I would have to see a picture with more detail to make a more informed judgment on the kind of worms you have in your spring.

You can of course always pick up some of those worms and add them to a tiny worm farm container and see how they react and if they survive in the bin for a few days/weeks.

If you can send me some better pictures of the worms I will gladly have a look at them once again.

Kind regards and God's richest blessings to you and your family.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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