Worms for South Africa

We have produced and sold worms for South Africa for more than 15 years now. Apart from compost worms and fishing worms we are offering a wide range of worm compost bins,

 worm farms, dog poop composters and bokashi composters. Although located in Cape Town we post / deliver our products to any location within South Africa.

We are supplying worms for South Africa

Compost worms and worm farms are a great tool to recycle organic material like food waste, news papers, cardboard, horse manure and even the poop of dogs and many other pets and convert it  into nutrient rich worm castings and worm tea.

Worm castings or worm poop is recognized as one of the best soil conditioners and organic plant foods known to man and can never burn or harm plants. A small amount of worm castings about the size of a golf ball can feed an average potted plant for up to 6 month slowly releasing its nutrients.

Worms for composting and fishing

Another good reason to sell and use earthworms is the fact that they continuously till through the soil. Their tunnels are aerating their environment and make it easier for the roots of plants to grow and get access to water.

We at SA Worm Farms will be able to assist you with any questions and plans you have that are related to compost worms and worm composting.

We offer 

Domestic worm farms

Industrial worm farms

  • a wide range of domestic and industrial sized worm farms,that can be adapted to your personal needs 
  • budget prices for worms and worm bins,
  • free worms with each worm farm
  • free set up and maintenance instructions
  • free follow up advise 
  • quick service
  • delivery or postage of worms and worm farms to any location within South Africa
  • worm composting consulting


For orders or inquiries contact us at:

t: 074 097 83 26

email:  info@worm-composting-help.com


How to create an income with earthworms


Return to the "Home Page"


10 good reasons to start a worm farm


How to build a worm farm at home


Making money from home


How to brew worm tea


Worms recycle food waste


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How to build a worm farm at home


Recycling with earthworms


Worms against climate change


Worm food


Natural way to clean a clogged drain


Learn more about climate change

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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


The Book 

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

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Prices valid till 31.03.2025

How worms recycle human manure