Worms for compost in Cyprus

by Andreas
(Psematismenos, Larnaca, Cyprus)

Hello from Cyprus,

I am just interested to purchase worms for my compost bin. Actually there is a year now that I'm trying to have compost that I can use for my garden but unfortunately I can't reach the stage the materials (kitchen scrap) are ready to put them on the ground because I can't see them decompose. I hope you are able to send a worms in Cyprus and be helpful in my situation.
Please let me know prices for the worms and for the shipping.

Thank you in advance.
Andreas Gavriel.

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Mar 15, 2025
I live in Cyprus and I have the worms you are looking for NEW
by: Michael

My name is Michael and I live in nicosia. I am raising worms 🪱 a long time now and I can sell you some if you like. My email is mhasapakos@gmail.com sent me a message

Feb 07, 2021
Did you find worms?
by: Louisa

Hi Andreas,

We're you able to get works for composting? I am now trying to do the same thing. Any help is much appreciated.

Jan 21, 2021
Re: Worms for compost in Cyprus
by: Stephan

Hello Andreas,

sorry for the late reply but due to Covid lots of things have been slowing down. We are at the moment in Cape Town South Africa and will not be able to supply you with worms from here right now.

However, I suggest you go to our


page or any of our other worm business directory pages and see if you can find a worm supplier that will be able to assist you.

I wish you all the success you are hoping for and God's richest blessings.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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