Worms Died. Starting Again. Need Help.

by Ryan


Recently my dog poo worm compost died so I went out and bought some more (3000). I was wondering, to start it again do I need to empty out the compost and start from scratch? Or just add them in?


Hi Ryan, sorry to hear that your dog poop worm farm stopped working. Before I can conclusively answer your question you need to tell me how your worms died and in what condition your worm farm bedding is now. Did the worms escape from your worm farm or die inside? Is the bedding dry or still moist?

If the worm bedding is too dry or to acidic it is definitely not a good idea to add your new batch of worms into that bin and you should rather start a fresh with fresh bedding.

You can simply take old moist newspaper strips and use them as new bedding for your worm farm.

You are welcome to send me a picture of your worm farm and some more information and I should be able to determine what the best thing to do would be.

Kind regards


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