by Stephan
(Cape Town and Radevormwald)
One of the most popular articles I have ever published on my worm composting blog and website deals with believe it or not "Dog poop"! The problem that millions of people all over the world face again and again is how to effectively get rid of dog poop.
So let me share with you once more how you can turn this problem into a blessing!
Let’s face it! There is no way around it if you have one or more of those amazing furry family members they keep on producing large amounts of waste every day which you one way or another will have to take care off. But just throwing the poop in a dustbin and sending it to a landfill is not a good option, as it tends to decompose there below the surface and produce methane gas, which is harmful to our atmosphere.
Nevertheless as we didn't know better we did exactly that in order to avoid having to stand in one of those landmines on a regular basis. That was till we discovered the amazing effectiveness of the humble compost worms "Eisenia fetida" known by many names one popular one being "Red wriggler." Now these worms are amazing creatures. They love to feed on nearly any organic material that is placed in front of them. And one of the waste materials they really love and devour in record time is "dog poop" They really love it and polish it off in record time. All you have to do is place the poop on the surface of a well working worm bin and the worms will do the rest. In just a few weeks they will convert the poop into an excellent natural plant food that you can liberally use to feed your lawn and ornamental plants. Have look at my video clip on my worm composting help Facebook page
and you'll see how easy it is to use your dog poop as worm food and let the worms convert it into organic fertilizer.
You are always welcome to send me feedback or ask questions about the subject.
On my page
I published another article about this subject.
I wish you a blessed day and happy worming :-)
Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"
Editor of
Search / Suchen
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