Worms can survive for long times in a neglected worm farm or old worm castings

by Stephan
(Cape Town)

Worms are incredible survivors and really can be left unattended if the environmental conditions inside their bin are in good order. As long as their bedding remains at least slightly moist, and the temperatures inside the bin tolerable it is usually no problem to leave a herd of worms unattended for several weeks. I recently emptied a bin that I had filled with worm castings. I had neither added any food nor water to it for nearly 12 month but when I removed the castings to use in our garden I found hundreds of healthy worms amongst the worm castings. When our wiggly friends get really hungry they eat their own worm castings for a second or third time to digest even the last bid of nourishing particles out of them! So if you are planning a holiday rest assure that your worms should be able to handle you being away for a few weeks :-)

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