Worm soup, No worm tea in my worm farm?!

by Helen
(Perth, Australia)

Hi there wormies of the world,
I have had my worm farm for over a year and rarely get any juice. I dont think its a shortage of worm problem and they ate reproducing well so it seems they're healthy. In the middle layer is a thickish covering of what looks like tiny little crab mounds when they dig themselves out from below ground.
I suspect this sludge is their soup/poo in a more concentrated form????

Does anyone have experience with this situation, and how do I get the sludge to a more liquid form. If it is just to add some water, would I apply it in the same way as its liquid form??? What do I do to make their waste more liquid? Give them more water in their diet???
Hope you can help with my many questions,
Happy worming everyone

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