Amazing worm multiplication

The possible worm multiplication inside worm farms is mind boggling. Under ideal circumstances your worm population could more than double every 2 to 3 months.

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 So if you start with just 1000 mature worms you can have more than 3 Million worms within 1 year. That is way more than you will need to recycle your kitchen waste or start your own worm business.

Anyway, you certainly will not need millions of worms to establish yourself as a worm farmer. I suggest you build up a mature worm population of about 10000 to 13000 worms, which will give you a monthly output of at least 60000 worms. This is a manageable amount and will allow you to enter the market confidently should you desire to sell worms.

In my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"  I dedicated one chapter to the subject of worm breeding. It shows  in detail how you can multiply your worm herd from1000 to a Million worms in less than one year.

Compost worms are prolific breeders and if they are properly treated will always multiply in huge numbers.

A possible worm multiplication table

The table above shows how you can multiply 1000 worms into more than 1000000 in less than 12 month.


For more information on compost worms and worm composting have a look at our other pages. You will find lot's of interesting articles about the subject.


Use worms to work from home!


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How worms recycle human manure