Worm composting toilet

by Anonymous
( Ontario Canada)

Compost worms can reccycle human manure

Compost worms can reccycle human manure

Does a worm composting toilet even exist?

How would I build one?

Won’t pee burn the worms?

Do pee and poo need to be separated?

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Apr 23, 2020
Re: worm composting toilet
by: Stephan

Hello Anonymous,

I can understand that the idea of a worm composting toilet might strike you initially as something like an odd idea that might be quite complicated to set up.

But as a matter of fact, there are quite a few ways to put the idea of recycling human waste with the help of earthworms into practice. To explain all the options and building plans would be a subject for a book but the simplest way that I know about at this moment in time would be a bucket/container with a kind of toilet seat on top where one can do one's business. The container must be set up before with a good worm bedding and a sufficient quantity of worms to deal with the amounts of waste they will be presented with.

I do have the intention to write a short book about the subject in more detail in the foreseeable future but I am sure that you should be able to start a simple worm composting toilet in the meantime.

As you guessed correctly it would be advisable to separate the pee from the poop to greatly reduce the risks of harm for the worms.

For a little more information about the subject of worms / composting and human manure have a look at my article with the URL:


I trust this will help you to get a few ideas that will point you in the right direction.

Kind regards and stay safe

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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How worms recycle human manure