Worm composting lessons for beginners that want to start a worm business

by Thatohatsi
(Maseru Lesotho)

Dear Sir/Madam

My Colleges and i want to begin a worm farming business here in Maseru Lesotho. We just need to know if you offer lessons for beginners like us and how much such a training would cost us. And also what kind of green houses are ideal for this type of venture- Lesotho is very cold.

Kind Regards
Thatohasi Raphoolo


Dear Thatohasi Raphoolo,

congratulations on your decision to start recycle with earthworms and your intentions to turn your ventures into a income generating worm composting business.

I have been a commercial worm farmer for more than 15 years now and believe that recycling organic materials like food scraps, sheep- , pig-, cattle dung, dog poop, garden waste and many other materials is a growing business sector with huge potential.

I do offer worm composting consulting and work shops but suggest you should order initially some copies of my successful book

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget.

In the book I share my own experiences and explain everything
you will need to get a worm composting business of the ground.

Have a look at the page


to see a list of contents and read what some customers hat to say about my book.

You can either order it from Amazon.com or directly from myself

If you decide to order the book from me the costs will be as follows.

1 copy including postage to Lesotho - R220
2 copies including postage to Lesotho - R340
3 copies including postage to Lesotho - R460
4 copies including postage to Lesotho - R580
5copies including postage to Lesotho - R700

Once you read and studied the book you should be able to successfully run small and large worm farms, recycle large amounts of organic waste and generate an income with your earthworm business.

If you need further consulting at a later stage you are more than welcome to contact me. I charge R 300 for the first hour or R 1500 for a full working day (8 hours) plus costs for travel and accommodation.

What kind of temperatures do you experience in Lesotho? I will let you know in a few days which kind of green houses I suggest for your worm business once I know what temperatures the worms will have to face in your home town.

Dear Thatohatsi, I am looking forward to hear from you and wish you and your colleges a blessed day.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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How worms recycle human manure