by Bob Deering
(Juneau, Alaska)
I worm compost kitchen scraps and dog poop in my worm bin. It's basically an insulated wooden box divided down the middle totaling about 10 square feet. I fill one side, and once full I shift to the other. Once that's full I empty the first side and start over. This is usually a yearly event. I use the castings on ornamental plants.
I've recently discovered that torn up cardboard boxes make a great amendment to the bin.
The cardboard covers recently added material which helps preventing flies, and the worms quickly eat it. I moisten it down if it gets dry. I keep a box of it next to the bin and add a new layer of cardboard weekly.
A great way to deal with Amazon boxes. I don't worry about tape or staples, they get removed when I spread the material.
I'm going to propose that my city implement something like this at local walking trailheads where dog poop is a contentious issue.
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