worm castings vs. vermicompost

by john
(norco, california)

Hello John, thank you for contacting us and my apologies for the lat reply but I've been bombarded with questions and new submissions in recent times.

"You are right that vermicompost offers plenty of food for the earthworms living in the soil." Vermicompost is actually a mix of uneaten worm food (organic matter) and worm castings (worm poop).
As such it is beneficial for both the worms and the soil. Over a period of time worms in the soil will devour all the organic materials left in the vermicompost and convert it into worm castings.

Worm castings are amongst the best natural fertilizers and soil conditioners know to man and are a great addition garden or farm land.

It is true that worms are not to keen on eating their own poop / worm castings because there is very little nutritional value left in the castings for the worms.

Worms love rich organic waste materials like food waste, garden waste or many different kinds of animal manures to feed on.

To learn more about vermicompost /worm compost and worm castings go to the site map where you will find links to several articles that deal with worm castings and worm compost.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business in a shoestring budget"

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