The worm business directory is for all those garden- and recycling enthusiasts that want to start to convert their garden- and kitchen scraps into nutrient rich worm castings.
If you want to stop adding organic waste to your dirt bin and help to reduce the production of greenhouse gases than the worm business directory is here to help you find a supplier in your country and hopefully even your local city!
Click on one of the links below
to order
worm farms, worms and related products
or look for a supplier of your choice in the list below.
Acme worm farm - Worm supplier from Tuscon,
Allaboutworms - Information about worms
Bioecologicals - worm supplier from Colorado
Bostonwormcomposting - Worms and worm castings
Compostguy - all about composting
Dan's worms - worms in Arkansas - email:
Earthworm works - Worm supplier from Florida
Happydranch - worm and worm bin supply from California
Herron Farms - Worm suppliers from Georgia
Manta - selection of worm suppliers in the US
Nature's Finest Worms - Supplier from South Florida
Oregonsoil - Info about large scale worm composting
Ozark - Worm supplier from Evansville in Ar.
Rainbowworms - worm supplier from California
Redlands Reds Worm Farm - worms and worm castings from California
Reforamation Growers - worms,soil blends from MI
Slocounty - worms and vermicompost from California
Smoky Mtn Worm Doo - Worm supplier from Tennessee
Southernbait - bait worms from Alabama
Special-tworms - red worms and worm castings
The Garden and Worm Lady - Compost worm supplier from Indiana
Thewormshack - red worms and Crickets in Tampa FL
Three trees - worm supplier from Oregon
Unco - worm supllier from Wisconsin
Urbanwormcompany - Blog and worm supplier from Pennsylvania
Urbanwormcomposting - worms and info from California
Usaworms - Worm suppliers, Vermiculture info
Vermiorganics - worm bins, worms, consulting
Vermipro - worms and worm farms from Californina
Vermitechnology - all about compost worms
Wonderworman - Worm Farm in Oregon
Wormpost - worm composting in Vermont
Worms4earth - Suppliers of several worm species in FL.
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For questions or suggestions please contact us!
If you have a business that produces earthworms, compost worms worm castings, worm tea or worm farms you are welcome to fill in our application form to get listed in the worm business directory.
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