Worm breeding -Science Project

by Sofia
(Paris, France)


Hi. In my science class, we have recieved 2 worms and have to make them have babies by the end of the month. Is there a way to speed it up? is their anything we can do? what would you suggest as bedding. I live in Paris so it can't be anything national. I don't want to buy a worm farm, so is their anything that i could use/ I don't have an ice cream box. If i find a box, should i put air holes?

Sorry for bothering you,


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Apr 10, 2019
Re:Worm breeding -Science Project
by: Stephan

Hello Sofia,

if you got compost worms you have a good chance to get them to breed within a few weeks if the worms you got are mature and are living under the right conditions.

It might however be not enogh time for the worms to produce babies by the end of the month but it is quite possible for them to get each one or 2 cocoons / egg capsuales which will contain several baby worms which will hatch once they have developed and the conditions are right.

For some help on how to get your worms to breed quickly have a look at my article below. The URL. is


I trust this will help you. All the best and kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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