Will worms eat greens like broccholi kale and beets

by Susan
(Morro Bay, California USA )

Will the worms eat the leaves of kale, broccholi or beets? Thanks. Susan

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Feb 01, 2017
Worms will eat the leaves of broccoli, kale and beets
by: Stephan

Hello Susan,

compost worms are omnivores and will virtually eat anything that has once been alive and is now in the process of decay. This includes as well the leaves of many ornamental plants and vegetables like kale, broccoli and beet, that you mentioned.

Just add them to your worm bin and give the worms some time to feed on them. When their consistency is right the worms will eagerly devour them.

Kind regards and blessings for you.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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